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Misra, Biswapriya Biswavas 1117 print (2


I use my expertise in metabolomics, genomics, and integrated- omics approaches in human populations and cohorts towards a systems biology understanding of the underlying mechanisms of metabolic disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and aging- all of which have an underlying metabolic cause. Thus, I exploit the power of mass spectrometry, sequencing, and bioinformatics approaches to find biomarkers in human diseases and wellness at large-scale biomolecular explorations.


Challenges and Opportunities in Cancer Metabolomics
Chemodiversity of the Glucosinolate-Myrosinase System at the Single Cell Type Resolution
Integrated microbiome and metabolome analysis reveals a novel interplay between commensal bacteria and metabolites in colorectal cancer
De novo mutations across 1,465 diverse genomes reveal mutational insights and reductions in the Amish founder population
Software Tools, Databases and Resources in Metabolomics: Updates from 2018-2019
Algorithmic Learning for Auto-deconvolution of GC-MS Data to Enable Molecular Networking within GNPS
Metabolomics tools to study links between pollution and human health: An exposomics perspective
Individualized metabolomics: opportunities and challenges
Analysis of serum changes in response to a high fat high cholesterol diet challenge reveals metabolic biomarkers of atherosclerosis
1H NMR metabolomic analysis of skin and blubber of bottlenose dolphins reveals a functional metabolic dichotomy
Metabolic Reprogramming: Short-term Western Diet Exposure Induces Sustained Changes in Plasma Metabolites
Connection and Disconnection Between Microbiome and Metabolome: A Critical Appraisal in Clinical Research
Comparison of a GC-Orbitrap-MS with Parallel GC-FID Capabilities for Metabolomics of Human Serum
The Chemical Exposome of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Opportunities and Challenges in the Omics Era and Disconnection Between Microbiome and Metabolome: A Critical Appraisal in Clinical Research
High Resolution GC-Orbitrap-MS Metabolomics using both Electron Ionization (EI) and Chemical Ionization (CI) for Analysis of Human Plasma
Data Normalization Strategies in Metabolomics: Current Challenges, Approaches, and Tools
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